Informed Consent for Appa Use
We would like to use your experiences with Appa to help improve our services for other teens.
Effective Date: 05/13/2024
What information we will collect
We will collect data on how you use our app, like which activities you complete and when. We will ask you questions about how you are doing and feeling, and about how you use Appa’s services. We will not ask you about any sensitive personal information.
How we will use your information
We will use this information to help improve Appa for other teens. We will keep all of your information confidential. This means we will not share with others outside of Appa any information that can be traced back to you
We may share some information with other researchers or people at your school, so they can see how Appa is working. We will combine the information you give us with information from other teens, and remove any information that would identify you. Your individual data will not be shared with anyone outside of Appa, unless you or others are in danger.
If you or others are in danger
By law, we must report any suspected abuse or neglect. If we learn that you or your parent/guardian has harmed or intends to harm themselves or others, we will follow policies for reporting it. If we believe you or others may be in danger, we may contact you, or other adults in your life, in order to make sure you are safe.
Your rights
Your use of Appa is voluntary. This means you can choose not to use Appa, without giving a reason. You can decline to set up Appa.
Contact Us
If you have any inquiries about this privacy policy or our practices, please contact us at
For our legal policies, refer to our Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy